Display Ad Server
Serve ads in standard fixed-size ad units
Native Ad Server
Serve native ads on your web page or app
Video Ad Server
Serve MP4 video ads as pre/mid/post-rolls
For Publishers
Maximize revenue for direct deals.
For Advertisers
Optimize campaigns, real-time insights.
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Upgrade Plan

Written by Roy
Sep 26, 2020 • 2 min read
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As soon as you've reached 85% ad request usage, you'll see an "Upgrade Plan" button in your portal.

After clicking the confirmation button:

  • You'll be upgraded instantly
  • Ad serving will continue without interruption
  • A one-time invoice covering the difference between your old and new plan will be added to your account

If you wish to upgrade from Essential to Professional, please contact your AdGlare account manager.

One-time invoice

Let's say your on a 10M Professional plan at $499/month and you upgrade to a 25M Enterprise plan at $899/month. The difference between the two plans is $400, which will be charged in a one-time invoice. You don't have to pay this amount manually. Your card on file will be automatically charged 48 hours after upgrading.

Downgrading to a lower plan

Since lower plans have a limited number of features, a downgrade requires an account manager to take a look manually. This way ad serving can be guaranteed, as you may be using ad formats that are not supported in the Essential or Professional plan.

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