Display Ad Server
Serve ads in standard fixed-size ad units
Native Ad Server
Serve native ads on your web page or app
Video Ad Server
Serve MP4 video ads as pre/mid/post-rolls
For Publishers
Maximize revenue for direct deals.
For Advertisers
Optimize campaigns, real-time insights.


Home chevron_right User Guide
1. Overview
2. Adding a campaign
3. Inside a campaign
4. Removing a campaign


A campaign is a structure that holds one or more creatives. This is the place where you set up targeting rules, flight dates, booked quantities, weights and priorities. A campaign is linked to one or more zones.

Adding a campaign

On the Campaigns page, click the blue button to add a campaign. Then choose your ad format:
  • Display Ad
  • Native Ad
  • VAST Video Ad
Give it a name and click the save button.

Inside a campaign



  • Campaign Status. The status can be either Active, Paused, Completed or Archieved. Only campaigns with the status Active are eligible to be served.
  • Flight Dates. The start and end dates during which the campaign should be served. If the start date is in the future, make sure to keep the status on Active. The campaign will not be served until after the start date.
  • Booked Quantity. For publishers only: the amount of impressions, clicks or conversions your advertiser has booked. It can be either a total or daily amount. You have the option to spread events over time (Spread Evenly) or serve most events in the early stages of the campaign (Frontloaded) to avoid underdelivery.
  • Campaign Tier. Tiers can be compared to a waterfall: the ad serving engines try to serve a campaign in the highest tier first. If no campaign is eligible (due to flight dates, targeting, etc), campaigns in lower tiers are tested until it finds a campaign that is eligible to be served. Tiers are typically used to prioritize campaigns. As a publisher, you may have direct deals that should override sponsorship-campaigns (or in-house campaigns).
  • Campaign Weight. The campaign weight is applied to all campaign from the same tier. You may have assigned multiple campaigns to a single zone. The engines pick a campaign randomly by weight. Imagine 2 campaigns are eligible to be served in a certain zone: campaign A with a weight of 60, and campaign B with a weight of 80. In this case, campaign A will get 60 / (60 + 80) * 100 = 42.8% of all impressions of that zone, and campaign B will get 80 / (60 + 80) * 100 = 57.1%.
  • Price Rate. Add campaign's pricing model so that the Reports give you an accumulated overview of all costs or revenue.
  • Campaign Throttling. Throttling works extremely well in cases where you have no Booked Quantity. The throttling module simply pauses the campaign when it reached a certain number of impressions/clicks/conversions per hour or day. It automatically resumes when the next hour or day starts.


A collection of one or more creatives. A campaign should have at least one creative in order to be eligible to be served.
Campaigns Targeting AdGlare AdServer

Targeting Rules

  • Location Targeting. Target a campaign to the user's geographical location. Fine-tune by continent, country, region, city or DMA. The user's location is determined by doing a geo-lookup of the IP address using MaxMind's database. Use the 3 dots at the right to blacklist locations instead, and to save the list of targeted locations as a preset. It also allows you to bulk-upload countries in 3-letter ISO format.
  • Browsers. Target users with a certain browsers. Currently supported: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge and Opera.
  • Operating Systems. Target users on a certain OS. Currently supported: Windows, MacOS, Android and iOS.
  • Device Types. Target users on a certain device. Currently supported: Desktop, Tablet, Mobile and VR-Headset.
  • Key/Value Targeting. Add key/value pairs to the ad tag URL and target campaigns accordingly. This type of targeting allows for operators like: equals, not equals, greater than, less than, etc.
  • Keyword Targeting. A simple way to target campaigns based on keywords added to the ad tag. If a keyword is present, the campaign is considered eligible.
  • Domain Targeting. Serve campaigns only on certain websites. The syntax is simple: add one domain per line.
  • Languages. Only show the campaign to visitors speaking these languages. Targeting is based on the browser's language.
  • Dayparting. Only serve the campaign during certain days or hours. The engines use the timezone set in your ad server's Settings.
  • Frequency Capping. Available for Display Ads only. Limit the number of times a specific ad is shown to a single user within a given time period.
Campaigns Zone Assignment AdGlare AdServer

Zone Assignment

An important part of the campaign setup. This is where you assign the campaign to one or more zones, so that its ads are delivered to specific sections of the website or app (ad tags are generated at Zone level).


The properties tab shows some information about the campaign, like the campaign ID, the type and who created/modified it. This is also the place where you can edit the campaign name.

Removing a campaign

To remove a campaign, either:
  • Open the campaign, then click the 'More' icon at the top right. Choose 'Remove Campaign'.
  • On the campaign list page, click the checkbox in front of the campaign. Then choose 'Remove' from the bar at the top.