Display Ad Server
Serve ads in standard fixed-size ad units
Native Ad Server
Serve native ads on your web page or app
Video Ad Server
Serve MP4 video ads as pre/mid/post-rolls
For Publishers
Maximize revenue for direct deals.
For Advertisers
Optimize campaigns, real-time insights.

Generating Reports

Home chevron_right User Guide
1. Overview
2. Generating reports
3. Dimensions
4. Events & Metrics
5. Custom Columns and Metrics
6. Exporting Reports


Event data is collected every minute with a 3-minute delay. If you expect to see analytical data after loading an ad on a page, make sure to wait up to 3 minutes.

Generating reports

When landing on the Reports page, a standard report will be generated using data from all campaigns over the last 30 days. You can fine-tune your report:


Data is collected from two sources: campaigns and zones. Select the source from the top to generate a report based on campaign data or zone data.


By default, reports use server-wide data from all campaigns or zones. You can filter source data by selecting the zones or campaigns you're interested in.

Date range

Select a date preset, like the Today or Last 30 Days. Unlike Google Ad Manager, the correct date range is selected if you come back the next day. No need to refresh the page ;)
Reports Dimensions AdGlare AdServer


AdGlare collects the following dimensions when serving ads:
  • Day
  • Month
  • Year
  • Hour
  • Weekday
  • Campaign
  • Creative
  • Zone
  • Domain
  • Ad Type
  • Ad Dimensions
  • Tier
  • Non-Human Traffic
  • Country
  • Device Type
  • Browser
  • Language
  • Operating System
You can use custom dimensions if you wish to log custom data like subscription type, category, recurring user, etc.

Events & Metrics

Events and metrics are related. From a technical point of view, an event is a counter that continuously increments. A metric is a formula that applies some calculus to event data.


AdGlare has the following event counters:
  • Ad Requests
  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • Viewable Impressions
  • Conversions
  • Conversion Value
  • Filled/Unfilled
  • Value (derived from the pricing model)


By default, the following commonly used metrics are available using event data:
  • Ad Requests
  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • CTR
  • Viewability
  • Fill Rate
  • Conversions
  • Conversion Value
  • Revenue or Costs

Custom Columns and Metrics

If you want to create custom metrics based event data, you can create and add your own formulas. Let's take an example:

You'd like to show the conversion rate, which is defined as conversions/clicks. AdGlare doesn't have that metric built-in. To create it, click the 'Columns' icon at the top right. The formulas use macros that are expanded accordingly when generating the report. You can use the following macros:

  • adrequests — The number of ad requests (available for Zone reports only).
  • impressions — The number of impressions.
  • clicks — The number of clicks.
  • viewability_viewable — The number of viewable impressions.
  • viewability_measurable — The number of impressions where viewability could be measured.
  • conversions — The number of conversions.
  • conversion_value — The conversion value (requires you to add the value to the conversion URL).
  • unfilled — The number of unfilled ad requests (showing a blank ad).
  • filled — The number of filled ad requests (showing an ad).
  • value — Based on your pricing model, the value calculated for each impression/click/conversion.

Let's get back to our example. To create the conversion rate metric, your formula should use the macros 'clicks' and 'conversions'. In AdGlare, simply write the following formula: clicks/conversions. Give it the name 'Conversion Rate', save it and you're done!

Exporting Reports

Report data can be exported by clicking the 3-dot icon at the top right. Then choose 'Export Data'. The following formats are supported:
  • Microsoft Excel
  • PDF Document
  • CSV File

Decimal separators

When exporting data, one of the major inconveniences is that decimal separators may mess up numbers. By default, a dot is used to indicate decimals as per English conventions. Depending on your metric system, you may use commas to separate decimals (for example: 0,032%). When exporting the data, you can select the separator to use.

Exporting via the API

You can use the Reports API to pull all event data to your own server for further analysis or to build custom reports. More information in the API Docs.