Display Ad Server
Serve ads in standard fixed-size ad units
Native Ad Server
Serve native ads on your web page or app
Video Ad Server
Serve MP4 video ads as pre/mid/post-rolls
For Publishers
Maximize revenue for direct deals.
For Advertisers
Optimize campaigns, real-time insights.


Home chevron_right User Guide
1. Overview
2. Adding a creative
3. Inside a creative
4. Removing a creative


A creative holds one single ad. This is the place where you set the landing page URL, start/end dates and creative-level targeting.

Adding a creative

Inside a campaign on the Creatives tab, click the blue button to add a creative. Depending on the campaign type, you can add the following type of ads:
  • Static Banner (PNG/JPG/GIF/WebP)
  • Third-party code or HTML/CSS
  • HTML5 Zip
  • MP4 Video

Inside a creative

Creatives Settings AdGlare AdServer


  • Creative Status. The status can be either Active, Paused or Completed. Only creatives with the status Active are eligible to be served.
  • Landing URL. The URL of the landing page that should be opened when the user clicks on the ad.
  • Creative Weight. The creative weight is applied to all creatives from the same campaign. You may have added multiple creatives to a single campaign. The engines pick a creative randomly by weight. Imagine 2 creatives are added to a campaign: creative A with a weight of 60, and creative B with a weight of 80. In this case, creative A will get 60 / (60 + 80) * 100 = 42.8% of all impressions of that campaign, and creative B will get 80 / (60 + 80) * 100 = 57.1%.
Creatives Targeting AdGlare AdServer

Targeting Rules

  • Device Types. Target users on a certain device. Currently supported: Desktop, Tablet, Mobile and VR-Headset.
  • Country/Language Targeting. Target a campaign to the user's geographical location (country), or the language (determined by the browser).
  • Keyword Targeting. A simple way to target creatives based on keywords added to the ad tag. If a keyword is present, the creative is considered eligible.


  • Start/End Dates. Indicate when the creative should be served. Make sure to keep the creative status on Active. It will be served automatically when due, and stopped on the end date.
  • Serve in Iframe. Display Ads only: serve the ad inside a (responsive) iframe. Highly recommended for security reasons. Without iframe, the ad may also potentially interfere with your layout/CSS.
  • Impression Pixels. Add the URLs of any third-party impression pixel that should be fired whent the ad is served.
  • Click Pixels. Add the URLs of any third-party click pixel that should be fired whent the ad is clicked.
  • Alt Text. Only useful for publishers who don't serve ads in iframes: improve your SEO scores by adding an alt text to image-based ads.
  • Ad Verification Tags. If your advertiser want to monitor the ad using a third-party ad verification vendor like MOAT or DoubleVerify, you can add these tags here. They will be executed along with the creative.
  • Click Execution Code. For developers who want to run some callback code each time the user clicks on the ad.


The properties tab shows some information about the creative, like the creative ID, the type and who created/modified it. This is also the place where you can edit the creative name.

Removing a creative

To remove a creative, either:
  • Open the creative, then click the 'More' icon at the top right. Choose 'Remove Creative'.
  • In the list of creatives, click the checkbox in front of the creative. Then choose 'Remove' from the bar at the top.