Display Ad Server
Serve ads in standard fixed-size ad units
Native Ad Server
Serve native ads on your web page or app
Video Ad Server
Serve MP4 video ads as pre/mid/post-rolls
For Publishers
Maximize revenue for direct deals.
For Advertisers
Optimize campaigns, real-time insights.


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Table of Contents

1. Overview
2. Type of zones
3. Adding a zone
4. Zone setup
5. Campaign assignments
6. Ad visualization
7. Generating the ad tag
8. Live Preview
9. Iframe Tags
10. Modifying Ad Tags
11. Removing a zone


A zone is a designated area or inventory segment on a website or app where ads are displayed. Each zone is configured to handle specific ad formats, such as display ads, video ads, or native ads. This allows for precise control over where and how ads are shown, ensuring that campaigns are delivered to the right audience within the designated areas on web pages or in your app.

Type of zones

AdGlare supports the following ad formats:
  • Display traditional inline display banners, that can appear in the sidebar, header, footer, etc.
  • VAST video ads using VAST XML, to be served by a VAST compatible video player.
  • Redirect used for link ads, redirecting the user to the landing page of the creative.
  • Native ads in JSON format, to be integrated in the web page or app by the publisher.

Adding a zone

On the Zones page, click the button to add a zone. Then choose your ad format:
Zones Add Zone AdGlare AdServer

Zone setup

When setting up a zone, you have the option to configure settings like lazy loading, auto-refresh and ad sizes. Here's an overview:
Zones Settings AdGlare AdServer
  • Ad Sizes Indicate which ad sizes you allows in this zone. For example, in a sidebar allow only 300x250 ad sizes. For Display Ads only.
  • Auto-Refresh This feature allows ads to be automatically reloaded after a specified interval, ensuring that users see fresh content without manually refreshing the page.
  • Lazy Loading This feature defers the loading of ads until the user scrolls to the area where the ad is displayed, improving page load times and overall user experience.

Campaign assignments

On this tab you can assign one or more campaigns to the zone. A zone should have at least 1 campaign assigned in order for it to serve ads. Click the blue icon to manage campaign assignment.

Ad visualization

The Ads tab shows all ads that can be served in the zone. It's basically a list of all creatives from all campaigns that you have assigned to the zone. Note that not all creatives may be eligible: think about creatives with start/end dates, creatives that are inactive, have targeting rules or don't meet the ad size requirements of the zone.

Generating the ad tag

Open a zone, then click the blue Ad Tag button at the top right. From there, you can see and copy the tag.
Tag Generator AdGlare AdServer
  • Display Ads By default, AdGlare uses asynchronous ad tags that don't block rendering of the main page.
  • Native Ads The ad tag in this case is a URL, that returns one or more ads as a JSON response. You or your developers can then parse the JSON code and use the data to expand placeholders in your own HTML ad template.
  • VAST Video Ads The ad tag in this case is a URL, that returns a VAST XML response containing the ad. This URL should be added to a VAST-compliant video player in order to pre/mid/post-roll the ad.
  • Redirect Ads The ad tag in this case is a URL, that returns a HTTP 302 to the landing page of the creative.

Live Preview

The Live Preview Page in the ad server provides a dynamic way to visualize how ads will appear within a specific zone before they go live. This feature is crucial for ensuring that ad creatives are displayed correctly and meet the intended design specifications.
Zones Preview Button AdGlare AdServer
When using the Live Preview Page, your own user data such as device type and country may be utilized to accurately simulate how ads will appear and perform. This data helps in providing a realistic preview of ad delivery based on the specific characteristics of the user's environment. In other words, if you've targeted the campaign to users from Brasil and you're in the USA, the ads may not show up.
Zones Preview AdGlare AdServer

Iframe Tags

Many publishers prefer iframe tags over JavaScript-based tags because iframes ensure a consistent ad display across different browsers and devices. Since iframes encapsulate the ad content, they are less likely to be influenced by variations in the publisher's page code or CSS styles. This encapsulation helps maintain a predictable appearance for ads, regardless of the surrounding content.

To generate iframe tags, make sure your Zone is of the type 'Display Ad'. When generating the tag, activate the Iframe Version toggle.

Zones Iframe Tag AdGlare AdServer

Modifying Ad Tags

Display Ad tags can be modified using the JavaScript API that AdGlare provides. Let's take this ad tag as an example: <script async src=""></script>
<span id=zone123456789>
        window.AdGlare = window.AdGlare || {q:[],run:function(){}};
        window.AdGlare.q.push(function() {

The only line that is eligible for modification is:


The rest of the code should be left untouched.

Ad Sizes

To define which ad sizes are supported in the zone, use the adSizes() function: AdGlare.setZone(710732824).adSizes(['300x250','468x60']).load();


To set keywords used for Keyword Targeting, use the keyWords() function: AdGlare.setZone(710732824).keyWords(['cars','audi']).load();


To set key/values used for keyValue Targeting, use the keyValues() function: AdGlare.setZone(710732824).keyValues({'color':'red'}).load();

Custom Macros

To create custom macros that are available at runtime, use the customMacros() function: AdGlare.setZone(710732824).customMacros({'{model}':'ID4','{make}':'Volkswagen'}).load();

Click Tracking URL

If you're a publisher, and your advertiser provided you with a click tracking URL in order to log click on their end, you can add this as follows: AdGlare.setZone(710732824).clickTrackingURL('').load();

Page URL

If you're an advertiser and your ad tag is loaded inside a publisher's iframe, you can add the URL on which your ad is shown as follows: AdGlare.setZone(710732824).pageURL('').load();
AdGlare will try to determine the domain on which the ad is shown. However, due to cross-domain iframe restrictions, you may end up seeing the domain from the publisher's ad server instead. To avoid this, adding the page URL to the ad tag is preferred.

Typically, the publisher has a macro available that expands to the page URL. Before sending the ad tag to the publisher, you can write a placeholder so that the publisher can replace it with their macro accordingly: AdGlare.setZone(710732824).pageURL('PAGE_URL_MACRO_HERE').load();
Note: the publisher should not remove the single quotes flagging the PAGE_URL_MACRO_HERE placeholder.

Removing a zone

To remove a zone, either:
  • Open the zone, then click the 'More' icon at the top right. Choose 'Remove'.
  • In the list of zones, click the checkbox in front of the zone. Then choose 'Remove' from the bar at the top.
Zones Delete AdGlare AdServer

Reach out to emailAdGlare Support in case you need further help. You can expect a reply in less than 24 hours.

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